The Love That We Have Been

One of the bridges of Madison County, alive with brush-stroked colors, is framed in a bold V shape. Outside the V, the black and white photograph reveals the snowy landscape.

I hope you are with me
when the long sleep comes.
The thick warmth of memory
on our eyelids, like sunlight
pressed to the backs of leaves.
The faces we have known
blurring into gentle shadows.
Words, frozen like footprints
in evening snow, still
behind us in the dark valley.
The love that we have been,
rising, naked, into the air.

Jane Hahn

Jane Hahn lives and writes in the Midwestern United States. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Concord Ridge, Detroit Lit Mag, The Other Journal, and Theophron, among others. More can be found at

Header photograph by Holly Pelesky
Header artwork by Jordan Keller-Wilson

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